Hello! I’m Ms. Spurlock, and I am one of your Middle School Librarians. Being new to the school can be both a little scary and exciting, so I am looking forward to discovering all the cool things about Collegiate with your help.
What’s my favorite book? That would be Wait Til Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn. Just so you know, I LOVE creepy books. Sitting on the edge of my seat and reading a book that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up…LOVE IT. I love all kinds of creepy stories- ghosts, vampires, creatures, bumps in the night, creepy dolls. I just don’t like clowns (who does?!)
I hope you stop by the library often this year! It’ll be great to meet everyone and hear about the books you’ve read so far.
Favorite things: Harry Potter series, creepy books, thrillers/mysteries, fantasy, cookbooks, anything about orcas, and musicals
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