10/2/23 New Titles 7&8 blitz, books, new Link to video Robin Hood - Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows by…
9/26/23 You asked for it! – Books requested by students 5&6 blitz, books Link to video Stuffed and Stuffed into Darkness by Liz…
9/18/23 New titles 5&6 blitz, books, new Link to video The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass…
9/11/23 The dog days of summer 5&6 blitz, books, new Here is the link to the blitz The Eyes and the Impossible …
9/5/23 New Titles 5&6 blitz, books, new Here is the link Ellie Engle Saves Herself by Leah Johnson, Lei…
8/28/23 The Best of Summer 5&6 blitz, books, new Click here to watch the blitz The Labors of Hercules Beal by…
The way it was – Historical Fiction – 4/17/23 blitz, books, new Here is a link to the video One came home by Amy…
If you liked…. Top 5 checkouts in the past 7 months plus new 4/10/23 blitz, books, new Here is a link to the video The Tryout - Frizzy,…
April Poetry Month, April 3, 2023 blitz, books, new Here is the link to the video Nonfiction: You can fly …