12/16 Books for break 5&6 blitz, books, new Here is the link Quagmire Tiarello couldn’t be better by Mylisa Larsen,…
12/3/24 Caroline F. Favorites 5&6 blitz, books, student blitz Here is the link Charlie Thorne series by Stuart Gibbs, City…
11/18/24 Ava D. and Angela Z. blitz, books, student blitz Here is the link Angela: Courtesy of Cupid by Nashae Jones,…
11/11/24 – River H. highlights some underrated books blitz, books, student blitz Here is the link Jurassic Par k by Micheal Crichton, The Science…
November 2024 7&8 7/8, blitz, books, new Here is the link An Indigenous People’s History of the United States …
10/28/24 Jack B. presents his favorites and some spooky titles books, student blitz Here is the link Spy School by Stuart Gibbs, Scythe…