10/23/23 Paranormal Detectives and Books to screen 7&8 Halloween 7/8, blitz, books Here is a link to the video Jackaby by William Ritter, …
7&8 Bookclub podcast 7/8, book clubs, podcast Welcome back for our first episode of the year, created by the…
Award winners/new titles for 7&8 2/7/23 7/8, awards, blitz, books, new Here is a link to the video Awards winners: Margaret A. Edwards Award…
New titles 7&8 10/17/22 7/8, blitz, books, new Here is a link to the video The first thing about you …
Spring Break Sensations – New Titles 7&8 2/25/22 7/8, blitz, books Something to read while you are breaking for spring. Here is…
New for November (7/8) 7/8, blitz, books, new Mrs. White has prepared a 7/8 book blitz of new titles to…